Sobre a Klabin
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> getSingleNode( "starter", rootElement ) [in template "2529288#2529327#2532309" at line 176, column 36] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign starter = getSingleNode("star... [in template "2529288#2529327#2532309" at line 176, column 13] ----
2Name: Coleção de destaque
3File Path: assets/klabin-online/featured-collection/template.ftl
7<#assign themes = [
8 {"name": "gray__cream", "bg": "#F0D1B6", "color":"#3E3E3E", "path": "#009039", "circle":"#fff"},
9 {"name": "gray__cream2", "bg": "#D7C795", "color":"#3E3E3E", "path": "#009039", "circle":"#fff"},
10 {"name": "gray__orange", "bg": "#F6D698", "color":"#3E3E3E", "path": "#3E3E3E", "circle":"#E2E3BE"},
11 {"name": "white__orange", "bg": "#C86C2C", "color":"#fff", "path": "#009039", "circle":"#E2E3BE"},
12 {"name": "white__green2", "bg": "#8B9F37", "color":"#fff", "path": "#fff", "circle":"#009039"},
13 {"name": "green__white", "bg": "#fff", "color":"#009039", "path": "#009039", "circle":"#E2E3BE"},
14 {"name": "white__green", "bg": "#3D4B14", "color":"#fff", "path": "#fff", "circle":"#627331"},
15 {"name": "green__cream", "bg": "#E3DBCA", "color":"#009039", "path": "#009039", "circle":"#FFFFFF"}
16] />
19 <#list themes as theme>
20 .collection__theme--${} .card__text{
21 background-color:${};
22 }
23 .collection__theme--${} .card__text h1{
24 color:${theme.color};
25 }
26 .collection__theme--${} .card__text h3{
27 color:${theme.color};
28 }
29 .collection__theme--${} .card__text .card__content__path path{
30 fill:${theme.path};
31 }
32 .collection__theme--${} .card__text .card__content__circle{
33 fill:${};
34 }
35 .collection__theme--${} .card__float__img{
36 display:block !important;
37 }
38 </#list>
40 .card__content__float__img{
41 margin-bottom: -77px;
42 margin-left: -69px;
43 }
44 .card__text__float__img{
45 position: absolute;
46 right: 0;
47 bottom: 0;
48 }
49 .card__content{
50 max-width: 370px;
51 margin: auto;
52 position: absolute;
53 z-index: 2;
54 left: 50%;
55 top: 50%;
56 transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
57 }
58 .card__content .card__content__path{
59 z-index: 1;
60 position: absolute;
61 right: 9px;
62 top: 9px;
63 }
64 .card__content .card__content__circle{
65 position: absolute;
66 right: 0;
67 }
68 a.card__content-link{
69 text-decoration: none;
70 }
71 .card__text{
72 width:100%;
73 min-height:320px;
74 }
75 .card__text h1{
76 font-style: normal;
77 font-weight: bold;
78 font-size: 30px;
79 }
80 .card__text h3{
81 font-style: normal;
82 font-weight: normal;
83 font-size: 16px;
84 }
85 .card__image{
86 width:100%;
87 }
90 .water-mark, .water-mark--bottom{
91 top: 7%;
92 left: -12%;
93 width: 92%;
94 z-index: 1;
95 max-width: 674px;
96 opacity: .3;
97 }
98 .water-mark--bottom{
99 left: initial;
100 right: -12% ;
101 opacity: .7;
102 }
104 @media (min-width: 992px) {
105 .card__text{
106 width:50%;
107 }
108 .card__image{
109 width:50%;
110 }
111 .water-mark, .water-mark--bottom{
112 top: 4%;
113 left: 19%;
114 width: 41%;
115 }
116 .water-mark--bottom{
117 right: initial;
118 }
119 }
120 @media (min-width: 1048px) {
121 .water-mark, .water-mark--bottom{
122 top: 16%;
123 left: 20%;
124 width: 100%;
125 }
126 .water-mark--bottom{
127 top: 25%;
128 }
129 }
130 @media (max-width: 1024px) {
131 .card__content {
132 position: relative;
133 left: unset!important;
134 top: unset!important;
135 transform: unset!important;
136 padding: 10px;
137 }
138 }
141<#assign dlAppService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppService")>
143<#function getRootElement curEntry>
144 <#assign assetRenderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer() />
145 <#assign article = assetRenderer.getArticle() />
146 <#assign document = />
147 <#return document.getRootElement() />
151<#function getSingleNode name root>
152 <#assign xPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@name='${name}']/dynamic-content[@language-id='${locale}']") />
153 <#if !xPathSelector??>
154 <#assign xPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@name='${name}']") />
155 </#if>
156 <#return xPathSelector.selectSingleNode( root ) />
159<#function getNodes name root>
160 <#assign xPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@name='${name}']") />
161 <#return xPathSelector.selectNodes( root ) />
164<#function isExternal url>
165 <#return !url?contains(themeDisplay.getPortalURL()) && ( url?starts_with("http://") || url?starts_with("https://")) || url?contains(".pdf") />
168<#assign count = 0 />
170<#if entries?has_content>
171 <#list entries as entry>
172 <main class="position-relative overflow-hidden">
173 <svg class="position-absolute water-mark<#if count % 2 != 0>--bottom</#if>" style="<#if count % 2 != 0>transform: rotate(180deg);</#if>" fill="none" height="601" viewbox="0 0 674 601"> <path d="M673.059 520.17C673.059 520.17 607.281 102.893 417.062 23.2105C226.843 -56.4716 55.9711 91.3599 15.3674 206.217C-25.2362 321.074 19.6564 515.496 176.946 581.11C334.235 646.724 673.059 520.17 673.059 520.17Z" stroke="<#if count % 2 != 0>#fff<#else>#D88C52</#if>"></path> </svg>
174 <#assign count = count + 1 />
175 <#assign rootElement = getRootElement(entry) />
176 <#assign starter = getSingleNode( "starter", rootElement ).getStringValue()?trim />
177 <#assign nodes = getNodes("theme__container", rootElement) />
179 <#list nodes as nodeItem>
180 <#assign imageFile = nodeItem.selectSingleNode("dynamic-content[@language-id='${locale}']") />
181 <#if !imageFile??>
182 <#assign imageFile = nodeItem.selectSingleNode("dynamic-content") />
183 </#if>
185 <#attempt>
186 <#assign fileJson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(imageFile.getStringValue()?trim) />
187 <#assign fileEntryId = getterUtil.getInteger(fileJson.get('fileEntryId')) />
188 <#assign fileEntry = dlAppService.getFileEntry(fileEntryId) />
189 <#assign adaptive = "/o/adaptive-media/image/${fileEntryId}/diretoria-423x422/${fileJson.get('title')}">
190 <#assign urlImage = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + "/documents/" + fileEntry.groupId + "/" + fileEntry.uuid + "?t=" + .now?string["HHmmssSSS"]?string />
191 <#recover>
192 <#assign adaptive = "" />
193 <#assign urlImage = "" />
194 </#recover>
196 <#assign selector = getSingleNode( "theme__selector", nodeItem ).getStringValue()?trim />
197 <#assign floatImage = getSingleNode( "theme__floatImage", nodeItem ).getStringValue()?trim />
198 <#assign title = getSingleNode( "theme__title", nodeItem ).getStringValue()?trim />
199 <#assign subtitle = getSingleNode( "theme__subtitle", nodeItem ).getStringValue()?trim />
200 <#assign link = getSingleNode( "theme__link", nodeItem ).getStringValue()?trim />
202 <#if getSingleNode( "includeGTagEvent", nodeItem )??>
203 <#assign addGTagEvent = getSingleNode( "includeGTagEvent", nodeItem ) />
204 <#if addGTagEvent?has_content>
205 <#assign addGTagEventValue = addGTagEvent.getData()>
206 <#else>
207 <#assign addGTagEventValue = false>
208 </#if>
209 <#if addGTagEvent.getData() == "">
210 <#assign addGTagEventValue = false>
211 </#if>
212 <#else>
213 <#assign addGTagEventValue = false>
214 </#if>
216 <section class="collection__theme d-flex flex-wrap collection__theme--${selector}">
218 <div class="card__text d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center position-relative" style="order: <#if starter == 'text'>1<#else>2</#if>">
220 <#if floatImage == 'topRight'>
221 <svg width="45" height="42" viewBox="0 0 45 42" fill="none" class="card__float__img position-absolute d-none" style="opacity: .5;top:20px;right:20px;"> <path fill="#EEBF62" d="M0.134116 37.4527C0.134116 37.4527 3.15121 8.95447 15.7825 2.89927C28.4139 -3.15592 40.521 6.27006 43.6743 13.9117C46.8277 21.5532 44.4553 34.8806 34.0097 39.869C23.5641 44.8574 0.134116 37.4527 0.134116 37.4527Z"/> </svg>
222 </#if>
224 <#if link?has_content>
225 <a class="card__content-link" <#if isExternal(link)>target='_blank'</#if> href="${link}">
226 </#if>
228 <div class="card__content">
229 <h1>
230 <#if floatImage == 'center'>
231 <svg class="card__content__float__img card__float__img d-none" width="157" height="139" viewBox="0 0 157 139" fill="none"> <path d="M156.5 122.506C156.5 122.506 63.8053 156.19 26.0115 126.263C-11.7823 96.336 -0.903824 44.6626 17.9708 23.3754C36.8455 2.08828 81.646 -10.691 112.841 14.0863C144.036 38.8636 156.5 122.506 156.5 122.506Z" fill="#E2E3BE"/> </svg>
232 </#if>
233 ${title}
234 </h1>
235 <h3>${subtitle}</h3>
236 <#if link?has_content>
237 <a <#if isExternal(link)>target='_blank'</#if> <#if addGTagEventValue?string=='true'>onclick="gtag('event', 'conversion',{'send_to': 'AW-433294911/RahdCPTVrqgDEL-czs4B'});"</#if> href="${link}" class="float-right position-relative">
238 <svg width="49" height="13" viewBox="0 0 49 13" fill="none" class="card__content__path"><path d="M48.4091 10.1214C48.4708 7.95954 46.8422 7.86249 45.6765 7.28931C42.4136 5.68495 39.1378 4.10632 35.8958 2.461C35.1986 2.10373 34.5751 1.61798 34.0581 1.02929C33.4364 0.313808 32.8037 -0.0485495 32.0947 0.693315C31.3517 1.47088 31.8963 2.18106 32.5569 2.68289C34.0287 3.80079 35.5456 4.85907 37.2681 6.10342C34.7062 6.06541 32.2505 5.95759 29.7979 6.00634C23.111 6.13927 16.4261 6.38613 9.73887 6.48438C7.47764 6.47149 5.21874 6.33707 2.97195 6.08169C1.93715 5.98512 0.92612 5.74894 0.597203 7.08052C0.35127 8.07598 1.14575 8.73824 2.79767 8.7871C7.03595 8.91245 11.2771 9.05065 15.5159 9.02211C20.5428 8.98825 25.5687 8.79368 30.5945 8.65032C32.0597 8.55076 33.5303 8.56296 34.9936 8.68681C33.9838 9.70948 32.6328 9.72579 31.402 10.0514C30.9383 10.174 30.3575 10.1547 30.0384 10.4362C29.8865 10.6085 29.7716 10.8103 29.7011 11.029C29.6306 11.2477 29.6059 11.4786 29.6285 11.7072C29.7008 11.8784 29.815 12.0286 29.9607 12.144C30.1063 12.2594 30.2786 12.3363 30.4617 12.3676C31.0476 12.3653 31.6301 12.2779 32.1909 12.1081C36.8009 11.0007 41.3939 9.83289 46.2191 10.5787C46.9075 10.6851 47.674 10.287 48.4091 10.1214Z"/> </svg>
239 <svg width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 35 35" fill="none"><circle class="card__content__circle" cx="17.5" cy="17.5" r="17.5"/></svg>
240 </a>
241 </#if>
242 </div>
243 <#-- <#if floatImage == 'bottomRight'><svg class="card__float__img card__text__float__img d-none" width="204" height="152" viewBox="0 0 204 152" fill="none"> <path opacity="0.2" d="M0.0547725 9.87584C0.0547725 9.87584 169.733 -23.7287 227.242 38.2497C284.751 100.228 252.08 186.888 213.672 218.74C175.265 250.592 94.1932 260.765 46.7453 209.477C-0.70263 158.19 0.0547725 9.87584 0.0547725 9.87584Z" fill="#737E57"/> </svg></#if> -->
244 </div>
245 <#if link?has_content>
246 </a>
247 </#if>
249 <picture class="card__image" style="order: <#if starter == 'text'>2<#else>1</#if>">
250 <source media="(min-width:800px)" srcset="${urlImage}" />
251 <img src="${adaptive}" style="width:100%"/>
252 </picture>
253 </section>
255 <#if starter == 'text'>
256 <#assign starter = 'image' />
257 <#else>
258 <#assign starter = 'text' />
259 </#if>
260 </#list>
261 </main>
262 </#list>
266 function handlePosition(currentWidth)
267 {
268 if(currentWidth.matches)
269 {
270 var reverse = false
271 document.querySelectorAll(".collection__theme").forEach(function(_){
272 if(reverse)
273 {
274 = "column-reverse"
275 }
276 reverse = !reverse
277 })
278 }
279 else
280 {
281 document.querySelectorAll(".collection__theme").forEach(function(_){
282 = "initial"
283 })
284 }
285 }
286 function Mounted()
287 {
288 window.matchMedia('(max-width: 992px)').addListener(handlePosition)
289 handlePosition({matches: window.innerWidth < 992})
290 }
291 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Mounted)
292 Liferay.on('endNavigate', Mounted)
293 Mounted()
(quase 3 vezes o tamanho de São Paulo, maior cidade do Brasil)
(RPPNs) Fazenda Monte Alegre (PR) e Serra da Farofa (SC)
identificadas nas nossas áreas florestais, sendo dezenas ameaçadas de extinção
Inovar e adaptar o modelo de negócio para ser cada vez mais responsável na revisão e definição do portfólio de produtos e processos estratégicos, em direção às soluções positivas para a natureza.
Mapear, mensurar e dar transparência ao impacto das externalidades ambientais e sociais geradas pelos negócios da companhia em relação ao território e o relacionamento com partes interessadas.
Assegurar o cumprimento da Agenda Klabin no seu horizonte e metas estabelecidas com base nos temas prioritários para que a atuação e estratégia de crescimento da companhia sejam orientadas para o desenvolvimento econômico, a sustentabilidade ambiental e a justiça social, considerando os impactos e externalidades dos negócios.